Is there a Guillotine in your Future?

Check out the guillotine. It’s a nice piece of equipment – very chic!


The guillotine pictured is a piece of artwork done by a Tom Sachs in 1998. The picture is floating around the internet, with the suggestion that the DHS has purchased 30 thousand Chanel Guillotines and they are stored in 2 military installations here in America: half in Georgia, the other half in Montana. Whether storing guillotines or not, the United States has been passing more and more laws that lead to a Police State, and some laws that lead to beheadings. So the idea that DHS might be storing guillotines is not just off the wall delusional paranoia. It is paranoia based on justified distrust of a government striving to acquire police-state powers and that does nothing but lie to the American people about anything it does.

So the whole thing got me to thinking. Looking at this picture, at first I thought, “if I were making these I wouldn’t put my brand all over them like that.” But then …

  • It started looking like a swank piece of gym equipment.
  • Then I pictured beheadings as media events.
  • I added an “N” to the brand and it is “Channel” … as in a broadcast channel such as Channel 5 or whatever.
  • Then I imagined the crime: horrible repeated crimes, or treason and/or crimes of corruption that the people have known about for a long time.
  • I thought of the public frustration that monstrous criminals are still at large, and considered it rising to a fever pitch.
  • And what figures the public might want to see get their just desserts: Hillary? Trump? Soros? Weinstein?

So that’s how it could start. Am I talking about the French Revolution or some near-future America? You might say, it is not our culture to desire to see such a bloody display of vengeance. GuillotineMedievalWell it never has been, but American culture has been rotting away beneath the surface. How many enjoy the bloody and self-righteous violence depicted in the entertainment media or computer games? How many enjoy “reality TV”? How much pent-up violence is held in the hearts of our lower classes?

Perhaps the law abiding citizens of France in the late 1700s before the French Revolution would never have believed they or their neighbors would soon be cheering the guillotining of thousands in the public square. But the Reign of Terror that they fell into following the revolution not only thrilled to the guillotine, but carried out monstrous acts beyond that.

Groundwork for the coming revolution had been laid centuries before, and secretive people and groups had been quietly working toward it.

The inspiration for the French Revolution can be traced directly to the doctrine of secular humanism which had been formulated a the Accademia of the de Medicis in Florence, and which were but a modernized version of the Kabbalah. … From the Neoplatonic humanism promulgated by the de Medicis came the cults of the Rosicrucians and Freemasonry. … The Enlightenment … surreptitiously aided by the … Freemasons, led France into the excesses of the Revolution. (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

These groups and others brought about a deterioration of French culture and society that could be seen prior to the revolution, if one were to look beneath the surface. As it was drawing near:

Sex orgies, financial scandals, and foreign intrigues became everyday occurrences among the high officials of the black nobility [not skin color], while the kings of France, seeing no alternative to “going with the flow” let license reign. …  Idleness and the pursuit of vice were foremost in the minds of the people …

As in the United States today, … favouritism became one of the principal causes contributing to the outbreak of the Revolution. The rot was very high on the vine. … (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

The parallel to American society today is obvious.

Following the revolution all hell broke loose – literally. The slaughter began when, following the revolution, France was governed by a body called the National Assembly, made up of 655 members, about two-thirds of whom were Masons. In an early exercise in social engineering, Freemasonry had been heavily involved in subverting the French crown and fomenting the revolution in the first place. Part of that effort had been promoting humanism as a replacement for traditional Catholic theology.

The ideological basis for [the atrocities to come] had been enshrined by the National Assembly on August 26, 1789, which formally adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man. This led directly to the formation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, established March 10, 1793, which then set up the Committee of Public Safety … led by Marat.

[In celebration] a great Festival of Reason was held at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Mercier’s account describes “the infuriated populace dancing before the sanctuary and howling the Carmagnole (the Song of the Revolution).

The men wore no breeches (the sans culottes); the necks and breasts of the women were bare. In their wild whirling, they imitated those whirlwinds, the forerunner of tempests, that ravage and destroy all that is in their path. In the darkness of the sacristy, they indulged in the abominable desires that had been kindled in them during the day. The mob howled for worship of Virtue instead of that Jew slave and his adulterous woman of Galilee, his mother. (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

Thus was born the ideology of the Left, and it was with this Assembly that the term was first used.

The Assembly itself was split into two rival groups: the Girondins from Bordeaux, who envisioned a modest type of federated Republic; and the Paris Sections, seated high on the left, and thereby called the Mountain. From that day on, revolutionaries have always chosen the Left as their symbolic place. The Mountain consisted of forty-eight sections of the Paris Commune, led by Marat, and composed of hooligans and criminals. The entire Assembly of 655 members had among its members 405 Masons.

Marat, whose person came to exemplify the excesses of the Revolution … [l]ike the later revolutionary, Karl Marx, … always seemed to find support in England for his work, principally among the Masonic Brethren there. … (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

The Lords of England were using Masonry to destroy the power of their chief rival, the French crown. There is much more to the Masonic involvement in the French revolution, but that is not the point of this post, which is more about the parallels to contemporary America.

Marat proceeded to lead the French into a surveillance driven Police State. Does that sound familiar? This has been the obsession of American politicians since the Twin Towers fell in 2001 and they enshrined the Surveillance State in the resulting Patriot Act.

With the power of the Paris Sections behind him, Marat appointed himself the head of a Committee on Surveillance. He then arrested some four thousand people and the slaughter began. It was a Sunday, September 2, 1792, when the first victims, twenty-four priests, were led into a garden, one by one, and beaten to death. Some twelve hundred souls were killed during that September, more than one hundred and fifty being slaughtered at the Carmelite Convent.  (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

More than just a police state, a gruesome bloodlust took over the people of the country.

The murderers foreswore the convenience of guns [and] preferred the greater satisfaction of finishing off their victims with axes, shovels, and knives. …

In the provinces, the massacres were carried out by lunatics, who seem to have been specially recruited for this purpose.  The most notorious of the mass murderers was one Carrier, who was said to be the subject of frequent fainting fits, falling to the floor, foaming at the mouth, and howling and snapping at everyone like an animal. He had an obsessive desire to torture and kill small children, as did his assistant, the hunchback Du Rel, a homicidal maniac who delighted in killing children by repeatedly puncturing their bodies with sharpened sticks.

These two madmen herded more than five hundred peasant boys and girls into a field outside of Nantes, where they clubbed them to death, with the aid of misfits like themselves who eagerly joined in the slaughter. Carrier was famed for having invented the infamous Noyades in the Loire. Large rafts of victims were floated onto the river; plugs were then removed, and all on board were drowned. Some six thousand people were killed in this manner. …

Another notorious madman, Lebas at Arras, first executed all of the rich who fell into his hands so that he could seize their wine cellars and their jewels. He then set himself up in a requisitioned mansion which overlooked the town square. When there were no more rich to be had, he began to murder the poor, of whom there were many. He had them beaten to death in the square, while he and his friends looked on from overhead, celebrating with orgiastic frenzies. …

Many of the acts committed during the orgy of terror defy belief. The fate of the Princess de Lamballe, a pleasant, middle-aged aristocrat who had escaped from the city, was typical. Driven by loyalty to her mistress, Marie Antoinette, she returned to Paris to administer to her mistress. The Princess was promptly seized by the mob, publicly disembowelled, and her private parts paraded through the city as trophies of the triumph of the Revolution! …

After the storming of the Guilerriers, a young apprentice fell into the hands of the mob. A great pan was fetched, and a fire built under it. He was then fried in butter, after which the revolutionaries enjoyed a feast.

The cemeteries of Paris became the scenes of nightly orgies, many of them mystical rites which had not been seen on earth since the destruction of the Temples of Baal. Graves were torn open, and the remains used in fiendish rites. … (The French Revolution, Eustice Mullins)

Culturally and socially, America has been traveling down the road that leads to a French Revolution. And politically, the groundwork is being laid for a surveillance driven Police State: stripping the people of privacy, curtailing free speech, and attacking gun rights. Bible prophecy (Rev. 20:4) says Christians will be being beheaded during the reign of the Antichrist. These things make the ominous suggestion of DHS warehousing thousands of chic guillotines beg the question. Are guillotines in store for us in a new Reign of Terror – this time in America?

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About icliks

Biding my time in central ms ... yours too, if ur reading this.
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