
Protandim NRF2 probably has more anti-oxidant potential than any food or water I have seen, so it gets the number one slot.

Onnit Alpha Brain and Shroom Tech are nutritional supplements that seem so similar to the Protandim products above and seem so good that I would alternate them with NRF1 and NRF2.

Kangen Water is a hydrogen-rich water that has more anti-oxidant potential than any known food, so it is second on my list here.

Also, I have heard that drinking light water is exceptional, since it is supposed to be the water hidden in drinking water that your body actually craves. Make it from good drinking water by freezing it until ice forms on the top and then saving the unfrozen water and discarding the ice. Do this three times. You can prove you successfully made light water by dropping an ice cube into a glass of your light water. The ice cube should sink.

(Inhaling hydrogen gas is said to be even more effective than drinking “the hydrogen-rich waters”. I haven’t tried it.)

Black tea and green tea both have strong antioxidant powers, and so many people drink them I will give them next mention.

Vitamin C with bioflavinoids, Resveretrol, Brown seaweed, Vitamin D3 with Cultured Nutrients Organic Fruits and Vegetables, Mushrooms for their beta glucans (I use Lion’s Mane for its brain boosting activity), the ACE vitamins, and astaxanthin all have anti-oxidant properties and/or the eight sugars. These work terrifically well in combination, and especially to prevent something you feel coming on!

Ecklonia cava has shown “higher scavenging activities” towards free radicals.

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