Vaccines & Things

On Injection Side-Effects

Added March, 2024: Visit Important Proven Solutions…

  • Mitocure rX looks highly effective in detoxing from injections, nanotech, or other toxins.
  • MasterPeace should also be very good.

On Declining the Forced Vaccinations and Deadly Hospital Protocols

From 2023

Get prepared and stock your medicine cabinet with vital remedies before the next planned disaster at and use pr0m0c0de STEW.

You can legally require hospitals, their doctors, and staff to abide by your medical choices, preferences, and/or convictions. Once you have filed the appropriate paperwork, they will be constrained to abide by your wishes. If they don’t, they will lose their licenses. They will lose their careers. Check out the links below:

From 2022/2023

As we move on from the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are being debilitated and killed by the COVID “vaccines”. Meanwhile big pharma is working to make things like “COVID” testing and mRNA “vaccines” normative for health care generally.

How to get Medical Care without being Tested for COVID

From 2020/2021

As for the U.S.:

Whoever, under color of any law, …willfully subjects any person…to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States [shall be guilty of a crime]. Law Enforcement Misconduct (And see also, Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law)

Taking or not taking any medication – vaccine or otherwise – is a personal choice. To make such a thing mandatory is an invasive form of tyranny. It’s not just me. Look what the Nuremberg Code has to say, as excerpted in he British Medical Journal with a few of their comments:

The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide. … The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extened (sic) into general codes of medical ethics.

This judgment … enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body. … (British Medical Journal, No 7070, Volume 313, Pg 1448).

Next comes a quote directly from the 1947 Nuremberg code. As said above, the principles in the code have since been extended to general medical ethics. So when you see the word “experiment” just substitute “vaccine,” or “injection.” It not only says that you must not be coerced, but that you must be able to give informed consent. That means you must be given information on the contents of the vaccine and have access to the evidence both for and against the vaccine. As for that last point, suppressing “antivaxxer” documentation as “hate speech that puts the public at risk” is not permissible behavior as per Nuremberg:

‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment’ (British Medical Journal, No 7070, Volume 313, Pg 1448).

The UN, in its 2005 “Statement on Biothics and Human Rights,” seems to have extended Nuremberg principles from experimentation to medical intervention generally, although they seem too arrogant to mention the precedent. They are quoted in this image:


So in case someone comes knocking, claiming the authority to vaccinate you, if you don’t want it, just refuse it. At first as this program is being rolled out, that is probably all you have to do. It is unlikely to start off as mandatory. However, the authorities will likely ratchet this up over time. In preparation for that eventuality you might print out the relevant portions of the Nuremberg Code and hand it to visiting vaccine teams. Or if some entity claiming authority is too persistent you could send them a “Cease and Desist” letter.

Document your Assertion of your Rights

COVID Legal USA is “a team of paralegals, researchers and legal writers that help you navigate the complex U.S. judicial system … .” They can review your specific situation and, “prepare the necessary documents, and provide instructions for you to articulate your claims and execute your case.” This is not free (although there may be exceptions), but, “COVID Legal USA costs a fraction of what attorneys charge … .” (COVID did not kill life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness)

The Freedom Taker website has forms you can download: a Conditional Acceptance form, a Refusal of Vaccines form, and a Refusal of Medical Testing form. To find them, just open the website and scroll down a bit. The forms variously require names, signatures, and dates to make declaration that you have asserted your rights.

Whether there is a religious exemption in your State or not, you still may be being discriminated against. If you think you are being discriminated against, then serve papers to whoever comes to your door (or to your employer), and require signatures on them as appropriate (always keep copies). They can keep a copy, and you keep a copy. This will prove that you asserted your rights and did not consent to whatever it was they intended to do. Hopefully that will scare them off, and it will help if you want to sue later if they don’t stand down. No one randomly coming through your neighborhood has the right to require you to answer questions nor to come into your home uninvited nor to restrict your activities nor to mark you for tracking purposes, nor to carry you or anyone in your house off to some camp.

If you want to be particularly obliging, you could offer (and demand the right to) self-quarantine in the Event of a pandemic (which 2020 patently was not). In my opinion no one has the right to require that of you, but if badged thugs are at your door and are being belligerent, physically threatening to take your children or something, you might choose this option. Click here to read the Natural Solutions Foundation’s White Paper on Self-Quarantine. Click here for the Natural Solutions Foundation’s suggestions for safe and effective self-quarantine.

In advance, you may want to check out the legal info available at The Healthy American (and while you’re there subscribe to their newsletter). If you have a lawyer it wouldn’t hurt to work something out with your lawyer ahead of time and to be sure that they will defend you if you assert your rights. Or as mentioned above, use, COVID Legal USA.

If you think you are being discriminated against (say for example because taking a vaccine violates your religious or personal and political beliefs and therefore your right to religious or intellectual freedom – which is a fundamental human right protected by the U.S. Constitution), then besides COVID Legal USA, here are some remedies against discrimination:

The Rutherford Institute has forms you can use, and they have guidance. One thing they bring out is that your religious beliefs are valid whether they reflect official positions of your church (if you have one) or not.

It is helpful if the description of the pertinent religious beliefs can refer to religious texts or the teachings of religious leaders as the basis for the beliefs. However, it is not necessary that the belief have been adopted as the formal doctrine or position of an established religious organization or endorsed by church hierarchy. (Know your Rights: How to request a Religious Accommodation)

Anti-discrimination laws seem to focus a lot on using public venues and the workplace. As for the workplace, U.S. federal regulation stipulates that an employer cannot require vaccination of its employees until the “vaccines” (which are now under emergency authorization only) finish normal clinical trials and then only if they are approved by FDA. This process won’t complete until, say, 2023 or later.  But in case you should need it, the Freedom Taker website has a downloadable form you can use if/when your employer attempts to force vaccination(s) on you.

Employer/Employee Relations (posted on Gab by FiatLux_USA)

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great way to handle it. (Conditional Acceptance)

The secret is NOT to refuse it.

“I write with regard to the matter of potential covid vaccine and my desire to be fully informed and apprised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d be most grateful if you could please provide the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements:

  1. Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine and if it is experimental?
  2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine has been fully, independently and rigorously tested against control groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?
  3. Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?
  4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions associated with this vaccine since it’s introduction?
  5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating is NOT experimental mRNA gene altering therapy?
  6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress from yourselves as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?
  7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19 and the likelihood of recovery?
  8. Can you please advise me if I were to experience any adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m currently employed with with be responsible & liable as it is their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on my employment?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but with certain conditions – namely that:

  1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.
  2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.
  3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination, please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.”

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you’ve NOT refused.

No vaxx? Need a job?

More Resources


As for masks, here is an expert: Children & Masks​…​…​…​…​…​…​…​…​…​

Please if you have other resources or ideas, let me know!

Greg Ciola Interviews Dr. Tenpenny, below:

Crusador: What was the impetus for writing your new book “Saying NO To Vaccines”?

Parents needed a tool that did their homework for them. The evidence is there to support their decision to not vaccinate; you just have to do a little work to find it. Everyone seems to be so afraid of “bugs” and their potential ability to make us sick. But the reality is that we swim in “bugs” every day and we are not dropping over like flies.. The only “bugs” we seem to obsess over are associated with vaccines. Only two generations ago, measles, mumps and chickenpox were normal experiences of childhood. Why we have complete fear of these infections is media and money driven and unfounded.

If the focus of Public Health was on sleep, exercise, clean water and safe, non-GMO food, we would have a healthy society without vaccines…but we would not have billion dollar industries employing millions of people to keep us “healthy.”  The fact is, we are a very UNhealthy society with vaccines, so the Public health and argument that we must vaccinate ‘for greater good’ is a failure.

I put a large body of research into my first book, FOWL! and my two DVDS, documenting the dangers of vaccination. “Saying No To Vaccines” was the next logical step. It answers the question, “I’ve decided not to vaccinate, now what do I do?”

Crusador: What are some of the issues you cover in the book that aren’t covered in your two DVD’s “Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices” and “Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal”?

There is very little overlap between Saying No to Vaccines and the DVDs. The foundational premise of the book is to give answers refuting the 25 most common arguments used to promote vaccination. For example, parents are often told the vaccine-preventable diseases of childhood can be serious and if their child is not vaccinated, their child could die.  I tell them how to refute that argument and give documentation from the medical literature to demonstrate that statement is nothing more than fear mongering.  Parents are told by pediatricians there is “no evidence that vaccination harms the immune system” and there is “no evidence that vaccination can lead to chronic disease.” I used the medical literature to prove the opposite is true.

Crusador: What are the most common questions you get about vaccines?

The most frequently-asked question I get is about vaccination exemption, meaning, “How do I refuse the vaccine and still get my kids into school or keep my job,” so by design a large part of the book covers exemptions. I included a lot of detail on how to avoid vaccinations for school situations, including college, professional situations where a job may require certain vaccines, if you are in a nursing home, foreign adoption, the military, even if you are incarcerated. I have also included a chapter on frequently- asked questions about vaccination.  Saying No To Vaccines has an entire section on “most frequently asked questions.”

Crusador: There is a huge divide in this country between those who think you should vaccinate versus those who feel you shouldn’t. The majority is still on the side of thinking that vaccines are THE answer to long-term immunity. When you do speaking engagements or radio interviews or simply talk to a pregnant woman about the need to question the safety of vaccines further, how do you present your information to make someone think twice?

Even though I strongly believe that vaccines cause more harm than the “good” they supposedly do, it is important for people to see the evidence of harm – from a scientific perspective – and not just take my word for it.  All of my information, every slide and every paragraph in my book, is referenced from a highly reputable medical journal or from the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC. People can see for themselves the one-sided, biased view of the vaccine industry, promoting that vaccines are “safe” and “protective.” Almost 100% of the time, once people pull back the veil and see the rest of the story, they know that vaccination is not what the drug companies claim it to be.

Crusador: Do you feel that there is such a thing as a “safe” vaccine? If there isn’t, how do you counter the mainstream medical mentality that vaccines may not be entirely without risks, but those risks are far less than the risks we would face without vaccines at all?

I really felt that parents needed strong answers for when they decided to not vaccinate.  Very few people are willing to say something. The risk of the vaccine is greater than the risk of the disease. The “Green Our Vaccines” movement was partially behind the reason I wrote this book.  Many activists, people with very good intentions, hedge and put their support behind “safer” vaccines which are a chemical impossibility. People just need to SAY NO.

Crusador: Tell our readers a little more about the exemption clauses you discuss in your book. The medical establishment has done a terrific job of intimidating people into thinking they have to take vaccines and yet, rarely if ever will you hear about the ways to exempt yourself and family from taking vaccines.

A medical exemption is available in all 50 states but must be recommended by a doctor. The exemption can be difficult to obtain and often, it only excuses future vaccination with a shot that has already caused a severe reaction.

There are three exemptions available in this country – medical, religious and philosophical. As of now, 19 states accept a philosophical exemption. It is the easiest of the three to use. You request a form from the school nurse, state the reasons you don’t want to vaccinate your child, sign it and give it to the school. Generally, that’s it. However, different school systems have different rules. Some require the form annually, some require both parents to sign the exemption form, some require it to be notarized and so forth.  You can find links to your state laws and more information by going to www.DrTenpenny. com .

Religious exemptions are available in all other states except West Virginia and Mississippi (which only have medical exemptions). Religious exemptions can be tricky and in some states, very difficult to obtain and defend. I often recommend that people consult an attorney for this type of exemption.  Some states, such as New York and New Jersey, are difficult. New York has been known to use something called a “sincerity test.”  Parents are literally interrogated by an attorney representing the school district regarding how sincere their religious assertions are for refusing a vaccine. A panel then decides if you are sincere enough in your beliefs to allow you to refuse vaccination on religious ground. I find these tactics absolutely appalling and akin to Inquisitioners of the Middle Ages.

Crusador: Where do you see the whole pro-vaccine movement going and what threats to our Constitutional freedoms do you see coming down the pike?

The dogged determination of those who oppose vaccines, and in particular mandatory vaccination, has gained traction at a grass roots level and garnered a lot of attention from the media.  I feel that we have the pro-vaccinators on the ropes. Our arguments are hard to deny and the global autism epidemic can no longer be ignored. Pro-vaccinators are using manipulation, threats and fear tactics, trying to convince everyone that vaccines are not only safe but absolutely necessary.  I see the vaccine industry like a wounded Tyrannosaurus Rex, gnashing its teeth and flailing its ugly head. It won’t die quickly and it will probably get worse before it gets better.

Crusador: There are many people in this country, myself included, who are concerned that there is an evil agenda to mass vaccinate the entire planet in the event of a health emergency. Do you feel that there are genuine reasons to be concerned and what might we expect to see unfold in an emergency?

Executive orders and recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have been written that stop just short of allowing government-enforced mandatory vaccination for anthrax, smallpox and bird flu.  The only way to change these policies is by standing together and boldly saying no.


According to this image I saw posted to Minds, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that even under a state of emergency the Constitution remains the law and none of its provisions can be suspended. “Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the Constitution in case of emergency … .”

Crusador: Are you still confident that with enough knowledge about the risks and dangers of vaccines enough people will wake up and say NO before Big Pharma forces its will upon the populace?

I’m not sure.  People tend to be sheep – Americans in particular. Look what we have allowed a small number in the White House and 545 people in Congress to do to our country.  And even those people who want to effect a change have little time and few resources to do so.  No one wants to stand out, speak up and challenge authority. Whatever happened to those bra-burning activists of the 1960s? However, people really are involved now, more than ever. It only takes a small, vocal minority to really make a difference. As stated years ago by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

Crusador: Thank you for your time, Sherri. These are excellent answers. I encourage everyone reading this interview to make every effort they can to get a copy of your new book and share it with their friends and loved ones because it is a great tool to give the average person confidence to “SAY NO TO VACCINES”.

Thank you, Greg for helping me get this message out to more people.


  1. Catherine Austin Fitts /
    * CAF interview –
    * Form for employees –
    * various resources here –
    * school waiver template –
  2. America’s Frontline Doctors:
  3. Peggy Hall The Healthy American lots of resources. spend plenty of time here.
  4. Children’s Health Defense / RFK Jr
  5. Informed Consent Action Network ICAN / TheHighwire:

Bonus: An interview w/ Robert Kiyosaki & a calif lawyer named Robert Barnes where he mentions taking on vaccine mandate cases * Many are choosing to stand in their power and serve Notices directly. (Notice of Conditional Acceptance, Notice of Liability, Notice of declination, Notice of Non-consent, etc…)

  1. Commoner Law Group Locals in SF Bay Area started this website with easy-to-follow “Notice of Conditional Acceptance” templates (very clear step-by-step instructions NoCA -> Courtesy Notice -> Notice of Default -> Notice of Estoppel)
  2. Freedomtaker (sample templates, but seems like not much instructions about how to proceed after serving the initial notice?)
  3. Lena Pu’s Notice of Liability this is the motherlode of all NoL’s! A manifesto! Based on months-years of research by the brilliant Lena Pu. An extremely in-depth, potent and powerful document. It ties together the jabs, 5G, internet of things, the whole technocratic agenda – has staying power for future generations to come. $10 patreon membership for the powerful education and live calls – well worth it!
  4. Solutions Empowerment (based in australia but for all countries) — “Notice of Non-Consent” templates

Bonus: this website has many key points that you can include in your NoL or NoCA documents.


What if you have recently been “vaccinated” or are concerned about “shedding” from someone who has?


Amish and Mennonite Children DO NOT GET AUTISM….  You have a choice.  If you submit against your will you are no better than the livestock in the field.


Smallpox Epidemic 1921 caused by vaccine.

H1N1 Vaccine – what’s in it.

Free to Join … Minds! The new Facebook


6 Responses to Vaccines & Things

  1. Pingback: COVID Vaccines? Danger, Will Robinson! | Icliks Incoming

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    • icliks says:

      Hi! Sorry for the delay. I don’t curate incoming comments as regularly as I should. Thanks for the kind words. I don’t do a newsletter, but there is an email subscribe button that will alert you when I put up a new post. It is at the bottom of the list of external links in the righthand panel (when using a laptop). Also at the top of that list there is a search box so that you can search the blog for words of interest. And lastly, at the bottom of each post there are further recommended links – most of them to posts in the blog, but some external.


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