Giants of Britain

The name for Great Britain, before it was conquered by Brutus the Trojan, was Albion, and it was said to be inhabited by, you guessed it: giants. They were said to be the offspring of 33 human sisters – who arrived there from the middle east – and some kind of spirits or demons who they found already there, named the Samotheans after their first king, Samothes. The Samotheans ruled over all Gallia, beginning, say some, a few hundred years following the flood of Noah (circa 1900 BC) shortly after the fall of Nimrod. They were descendants of Japheth. The Samotheans lost the island to Albion, who according to myth was a son of Neptune.

The British were Trojans. Following the fall of Troy in the Middle East, circa 1600 BC, they were led by Brutus to the island by then called Albion, now Great Britain. He and his men drove the giants there into the mountains. But before the giants gave up the valleys entirely there was a famous wrestling match between their leader, or one notable among them, by the name of Gog, Gogmagog, or Goemagot, and a prince on Brutus’ side who may himself have also been a giant.

Brutus had given the southwestern tip of Britain to a Trojan prince who fought alongside him, by the name of Corineus, from whom Cornwall derives its name. Corineus enjoyed wrestling with giants, which activity culminated in his match against Gogmagog in which he threw the latter off a cliff into the sea.

Gogmagog and Corineus are commemorated by the internationalist bankers, the Lord Mayors of the City of London, even today. This fittingly makes Gogmagog and Corineus the chosen guardian angels of the Rothschild financial empire. (from The Giants of Ancient Albion & the Legendary Founding of Ancient Britain)

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