The Khazar Question

There are numerous shadowy groups, sects, or secret societies that wield enormous power in world affairs. They seem to be interwoven through interlocking memberships and exist simultaneously in collusion, competition, and in varying degrees of ignorance of one another. They all seem to attach themselves in one way or another to sacred texts. The groups are inter-generational, their memberships generally include the wealthy and powerful, and they act in secret. They are a threat to humanity.

For example, according to Henry Makow Ph.D., in his Historian Demands Action on Powerful Doomsday Cults,

A Munich-based historian Wolfgang Eggert, 46, has launched an Internet petition  to demand action on powerful Jewish and Christian cults that want to instigate a nuclear holocaust to fulfill Biblical prophesy. … Eggert, who studied History and Politics at universities in Berlin and Munich, is the author of eight books on hidden history. He believes that all of modern history is influenced by Cabalistic plot to fulfill Biblical Prophesy. …

He points to the Jewish Chabad Lubavitcher sect who want to hasten Armageddon to facilitate the intervention of the Messiah, [and he documents that] the power of the Lubavitchers seems uncanny. …

In the 1990s the Lubavitchers apparently held sway in the U.S. Congress.


On March 26 1991, the US Senate commemorated the birthday of (Lubavitcher) founder Rebbe Menachem Schneerson as “National Education Day.”  It also acknowledged the validity of the Talmudic “Seven Noahide Laws.” This at a time when all Christian symbolism is being assiduously removed from society.

Acknowledgment of the Noahide Laws paves the way for legal precedent based on them. By this acknowledgment the Talmudists have been inserted into the American polity and their power within the American legal structure has been increased. The Lubavitchers were also promoted when Schneerson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal for contributing to global morals.

When Schneerson died in 1994, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his contribution to “global morals.”  According to Eggert, Schneerson taught that Jewish and Gentile souls are fundamentally different. “All Jews are good by nature…Jews are the pride of creation, the Goyim (Gentiles) are the scum.”

This contributes in what way to global morals? Actually it degrades them.

According to Schneerson, the Goyim still have a role in serving the Chosen ones. The Jews are the Priests while the Noahide Laws provide “a religion for the rank and file.” Eggert quotes another Lubavitcher rabbi: “… we see that the US is being pushed toward fulfilling its historic role of teaching the Sheva Mitzvos [i.e. Noahide laws] to the world.”

We ask rhetorically who is doing this “pushing”? Whoever it is, they are getting help from the Masons.

According to Eggert, Freemasons have always called themselves “Noachids” and incorporated the statutes into their Constitution as early as 1723. … We may start at any historical point (even with the American revolution or more far back Oliver Cromwell) [and] we´ll see, that the maker (or profiteer) of all this is Cabalistic Judaism. All serves their plan, to implement biblical prophecy. …

So the Lubavitchers believe that they, because they are Jews, have the sole right to form the laws of, determine the destiny of, and subjugate the human race.

But who are these Lubavitchers? Everybody calls them Jews. It is clear that they have a racial identity, but is it actually Jewish? Dr. David Duke says,

When I … first began to understand the ultra-racist, supremacist ideology of Judaism and Zionism, I came into contact with the theory that present-day Jews are genetically unrelated to the historical Jewish community.

The allegation, known as the “”Khazar theory”, claims that the Ashkenazim Jews of today are actually the descendants of the Khazar people, a Central Asiatic nomadic tribe that allegedly converted to Judaism in the 9th Century AD. It is claimed that these newly-minted Jews then migrated into what is now Russia, Eastern Europe and later Western and Northern Europe.

The Ashkenazi Jews comprise the larger share of the peoples we think of as Jews today, with Sephardic Jews comprising most of the rest. It is from these ranks (Ashkenazim and Sephardic) that we have the Zionists, Talmudists, and the internationalist bankers and power brokers -which group is such a threat to the rest of us.

Khazar theory claims that 90% of the Jews in the world today are Ashkenazim that migrated from Khazaria into eastern Europe and Germany and eventually America and Israel and that the Ashkenazim are not descended from Abraham. As far as I know, one geneticist is cited as confirming this theory by DNA analysis of Ashkenazim Jews. But there are over a dozen genetic studies – done by both Jews and Gentiles -which conclude that today’s Ashkenazim are of Jewish blood.

So are the Ashkenazim of the world racially Jewish or not? Most geneticists think they are. There is historical evidence that the Ashkenazim descend through the Khazars, but the Khazars as a distinct people group have disappeared and no DNA from historic Khazar gravesites has been sampled. Did the Khazars themselves claim to be genetically Jewish? It doesn’t look like it, at least not as a monolithic block.

When the Khagan (king) Bulan and principle members of his court converted to Talmudic Judaism around 740 AD (although some say this occurred over a century later) he did not require conversion of the general population. A subsequent Khagan, Obadiah, reformed religious practices in the realm and had synagogues and schools built. In the mid-900s a new Khagan, Joseph, is said to have corresponded with a learned Jew in Spain. In these letters he traced his descent from Obadiah and wrote that his family descended from Japheth through Togormah, which is a Turkic descent, not Semitic.

Although details of the above correspondence are contested, the conversion of the Khazarian aristocracy to Talmudic Judaism is not. This conversion would have made Khazaria a haven for Jews from around the world from that time forward until the destruction of Khazaria around 960 AD. Jews were not favored in either of the other two major empires of the day: Christian Byzantium, or the Islamic Caliphate.

Subsequent to the conversion, Khazaria would have seen an influx of Jewish immigration and investment. So if there were few Jews in their midst before becoming a Jewish Khaganate, these numbers would have grown during the centuries immediately after, and intermarriage between Khazarian nobility and a few of the most prestigious Jewish families would have ensued – especially families that could trace a royal lineage of their own. Then as Khazaria declined, some of these families and communities would have dispersed west and north into Eastern Europe and Russia as Khazaria was invaded, subjugated, and/or absorbed by Mongols from the East. In these new lands, according to the Khazar theory, these migrating Khazars became known as Ashkenazim Jews.

It does not really matter what blood runs in the veins of the Ashkenazim. What matters is that they are a self-identified people-group having in their midst people who have joined ranks with Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews of the same persuasion, and they are working from within nations all around the world to enslave the rest of us. What matters is their implementation of principles and an agenda that they derive from the Talmud and Kabbala in which they see themselves as racially distinct from and superior to the rest of the human race, and see themselves as called upon to conquer and rule over the rest of the human race by any and all means necessary. This is certainly the M.O. of the Lubavitchers. Maintaining their own sense of distinct identity while dispersed into the populations of many nations they work against these nations by deceit and subterfuge as a fifth column from within.

By understanding the dynamics of this conflict we may know how to resist. Until we understand the nature of a threat, we can’t face off against it and begin to deal with it effectively. To make an analogy, if an enemy is coming at you as a 5th column within your ranks, and you are busy building defenses against external military threats, then your defense is ineffective and you are likely to be conquered from behind while fending off the external threats.

In the case of these internationalist Jews, the practice of social engineering is a predominant part of their methods generally, and within that, mis-directing the understanding of the dynamics of race is very much part of what they are using against the rest of us so that when we mount defenses we mount the wrong defenses.

Are they waging a race war, or are they not? According to the predominant DNA evidence the Ashkenazim, Sephardic, and Mizrahi Jews are now intermixed enough that they are identifiable as a single people group, or race, of mankind. It wouldn’t matter whether they were Semitic or not. It is their sense of racial identity and superiority, inflamed by the doctrines in the Talmud and Kabbala, that gives them their unity and power. When they mount a systematized worldwide campaign to undermine, weaken, and subjugate the peoples of the world outside their group, they make themselves the aggressors in creating a race war.

How can the rest of mankind resist this race-based attack if they themselves lack some sense of their own racial identity? And since mankind exists in fact as a group of races, no sense of identity can be built upon with which to mount a resistance unless racial identity and an appreciation of racial diversity is included in the mix. A knowledge of what race is and what the proper ethics of race are must be part of such a defense. And a knowledge that there is a Jewish, i.e., Talmudic/Kabbalistic, conspiracy to subjugate the rest of us must energize our will. Otherwise the Talmudists succeed in applying their identify to us: cattle.

They are applying the principle of divide and conquer to the goal of destroying Western civilization. They currently have the Blacks and the Latinos and the Muslims and the Whites all defining themselves as mutual enemies. These Talmudist/Kabbalists’ immediate strategic goal is to take down White civilization particularly, which they perceive as the entity having the most ability to resist them. The long-range purpose is to bring all the non-Jewish races into servitude to the one worthy and glorious race – the Jewish race.

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