QE3 Worldwide?

Fed minutes suggest strongly that QE3 is coming in September

Kiron Sarkar – August 23rd, 2012

… With much weaker exports and a soft (to say the least) economy, the Chinese will have no choice but to introduce a stimulus programme … The FED’s particularly dovish minutes suggests strongly that QE3 is coming in September. … This (was) a particularly clear statement and the bar not to act has been set pretty high, which can only lead one to the conclusion that QE3 is effectively a done deal. …

With the FED to announce QE3 in September and Draghi to announce details of his bond buying programme for the peripheral EZ countries (very likely positive, as well), the major threat to markets remains a negative and/or restrictive conditional approval by the German Constitutional Court on the ESM. …

About icliks

Biding my time in central ms ... yours too, if ur reading this.
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