Olympics 2012 followup IIIb

Part 2: Blood Sacrifice at Aurora, The London Olympics & 007

From http://truthseeker444.blogspot.co.uk/

Sandra Barr
31 July 2012

(My comments are in parenthises: Was the shooting at the Century 16 cinema on 7/2/2012 a blood sacrifice to empower the plans for the summer Olympics in London? They are definitely related. See also my previous post, Olympics 2012 Followup III)

The centrepiece of the London opening Ceremony is an 80 foot wizard/sorcerer, it sits on an area of the map that equates to the Isle of Dogs…reversed GODS.

The press have speculated that the Wizard is Prospero from the Shakespearian novel “The Tempest”.

It is widely believed that the man William Shakespeare did not write the plays that have been attributed to him, apparently the man was barely literate. Francis Bacon (22 January 1561 – 9 April 1626), is thought to be the real author, Bacon was a devotee of the Greek Goddess Athena, Athena carried a spear, and when she shook her spear, mankind were enlightened with knowledge (the enlightenment of Zeus). Shakes-Spear!

John Dee (13 July 1527 – 1608/1609) was a secret agent of Queen Elizabeth I, even now his duties to the Queen are not fully understood, he was an astrologer, astronomer, mathematician and renowned sorcerer, it is believed that Bacon based the character of Prospero in the Tempest on Dee, so the opening of the 2012 Olympics will have an 80 foot statue of John Dee.

“The angelic channeler John Dee believed that specially constructed mirrors could draw magical power from the sun and transmit messages and objects to distant stars and other worlds. Dee attempted to receive visions from ‘angels’ using a globe of crystal.” Link

The big Mirror that most people have in their homes, is the TV, and it is used to tell you how to think, what to think, it influences your opinions and is their tool, which they use to get you to give your energy to their Satanic rituals.

In his communications with Queen Elizabeth John Dee used the sigil 007. Ian Fleming who created James Bond added the 007 in homage to John Dee. The opening ceremony of the Olympics starts with a short James Bond Film called “The Arrival”! …

(Emergence of/from the Dark Knight)

Ian Fleming was a high ranking naval Commander, and during WW2, he attempted to recruit Crowley and have him work for MI5.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (dawn emerges from the night) was … a secret society devoted to the study of the deepest levels of esoteric knowledge, based primarily on Rosicrucian and Cabbalistic teachings. … Its most famous initiate was Aleister Crowley, also known as “The Beast 666”. Crowley is rumoured to be the Father of Barbara Bush.

In the Dark Knight Rises Batman series, volume 1 is actually called Golden Dawn. Dawn Golden is a character in the series. … a childhood sweetheart of Bruce Wayne. Dawn Golden is the only child of Aleister (sic. It’s Alistair in the series) Crowley. (Aleister/Alistair may be an allusion to Aristaeus, a hero of Greek myth.)

Dawn Golden carries an amulet given to her by her Father, on his death bed he tries to kill her, he told her that her greater purpose was to be sacrificed so that he could become Hell’s Lord on Earth! …

Batman and Etrigan try to save her, but to no avail, Crowley stabs her, she dies and the ritual is complete. Etrigan later kills Crowley, which frees Dawns soul.

Aleister Crowley’s real name was Edward Alexander Crowley, … “the Great Beast 666” … Crowley was responsible for the founding of the religious philosophy of Thelema, (and saw) himself as a prophet who had been entrusted with informing the world about the coming (the dawning of the golden) eon of Horus.

Aurora is a Roman Goddess, the English translation from the Latin is DAWN1

(Aurora carries forward the name of an earlier Indo-European dawn goddess, Hausos. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_%28mythology%29 . Hausos is probably Isis2, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. She conceived Horus by union with the sexual member of her deceased husband. “This scenario: of a ‘god child’ being born purely maternally – without any direct contribution from a mortal, paternal father – has many variants. It is present in most – if not all – of the ancient, pre-Christian religions. The Greek myths, for instance, abound with tales of the shape-shifting Zeus seducing and impregnating women in the forms of a shower-of- gold, a swan, a white bull and a myriad other guises.” http://www.ufodigest.com/article/astrology-revelation-and-pyramids-power)

(related to the Aurora shooting?



1Not just any goddess, but daughter of Hyperion, the sun-god of light, or alternatively of Pallas. These were Titans, or Gigantes. Pallas was thought of as either male or female.

Pallas (Πάλλας) was one of the Gigantes born of the blood which spilled onto Gaia when Cronus castrated his father Uranus. Pallas confronted Athena during the Gigantomachy, where she killed her and turned her skin into a shield (the Aegis). Pallas is sometimes referred to as being goat-like.

Pallas (Πάλλας) is a Titan, associated with war, killed by Athena in the contest to fight for Zeus. Most sources indicate that he was the son of Crius and Eurybia, the brother of Astraeus and Perses, and the husband of Styx. He was the father of Zelus, Nike, Kratos, and Bia.[1] In addition, he has been named as the father of Scylla, Fontes, and Lacus.[2] Alternatively, he was the son of Megamedes, and father of Selene,[3] and is also recorded as the father of Eos.[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pallas_%28Giant%29

“Pallas is sometimes thought to be (father of Athena), hence the epithet Pallas Athena. Other stories say that Pallas was Athena’s childhood friend. (In other myths she is said to have leaped full-grown from the head of Zeus.)

“Pallas was an ambiguous figure, sometimes male sometimes female, never imagined apart from Athena. She killed Pallas in a mistake, and ever after wore her/his goatskin (he/she was goat-like and this may have been his/her own skin) fringed with chthonic serpents, as the protective aegis. … Athena, (Greek Αθηνα or Αθηνη, Αθηνά) also transliterated as Athene, the Greek goddess of wisdom, strategy, and war associated by the Etruscans with their goddess Menrva, and later by the Romans as Minerva, is attended by an owl, carried the goatskin shield given to her from her father called the Aegis and is accompanied by the goddess of victory, Nike. Athena is also a goddess associated with mentoring heroes.” http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Athena.html

“(Πάλλας) is a Titan, associated with war, killed by Athena in the contest to fight for Zeus. Most sources indicate that he was the son of Crius and Eurybia, the brother of Astraeus and Perses, and the husband of Styx. He was the father of Zelus, Nike, Kratos, and Bia.[1] In addition, he has been named as the father of Scylla, Fontes, and Lacus.[2] Alternatively, he was the son of Megamedes, and father of Selene,[3] and is also recorded as the father of Eos.[4]” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_%28mythology%29

2like Greek Eosand Rigvedic (Sanskrit) Ushas(and possibly Germanic Ostara)… and “Lithuanian Aušra, and perhaps the Germanic Eostre. As a love goddess, she was also called Wenos – ‘lust (which precursed Venus, Vanadis). Also cognate is Old Church Slavonic za ustra ‘early morning’.”

Aurvandil is mentioned once in Norse Mythology, in the Skáldskaparmál section of Snorri Sturluson’s Prose Edda: Thor went home to Thrúdvangar, and the hone remained sticking in his head. Then came the wise woman who was called Gróa, wife of Aurvandill the Valiant: she sang her spells over Thor until the hone was loosened. (Thor told her) that he had waded from the north over Icy Stream and had borne Aurvandill in a basket on his back from the north out of Jötunheim.

Old Norse Aurvandil, Old English Éarendel, … a latinized version, Horvandillus … The Old Norse variant appears in purely mythological context, linking the name to a star. The Old English word refers to a star exclusively. … Eärendil the Mariner is one of the most important figures in the mythology, a great seafarer who carries the morning star across the sky. …

The second element of the name is probably connected to Vendel and the Vandals … Aurvandil might therefore have been the mythical “Founder of the Vandals” … Julius Pokorny connects the word with Proto-Germanic *āusōs, Anglo-Saxon Eastre, Easter, East, and ultimately with Hausos (Ushas), the Proto-Indo-European dawn goddess.” http://medea-dcolchis.livejournal.com/

So I’m thinking that the “Aur” or “Hor” part of Aurvandil/Horvandillus refers to Horus. Then Julius Pokorny links it with “Hausos”, which is Aurora.

Lucifer was originally a Latin word meaning ‘light-bearer’ from lux, ‘light’, and ferre, ‘to bear, bring’. It was a Roman astrological term for the ‘Morning Star’, at that time believed to be the planet Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Greek heosphorus ‘dawn-bearer’; Greek phosphorus, ‘light-bearer’.

About icliks

Biding my time in central ms ... yours too, if ur reading this.
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